Testing Services Jobs Test Result, Download Application Form, Interview Schedule for latest Govt & Private jobs in Pakistan October 2024

AJKPSC Call Letter 2022 AJK Public Service Commission

Azad Jammu & Kashmir Public Service Commission receives the application forms from the candidates, who want to appear in the written exams and the interviews. The candidates can check the date and time of their interview and they will ensure their attendance during the exams and interview. AJKPSC manages the exams on the given date and time in the allotted exams centers. AJKPSC will issue the interview call letter to the candidates enable them to get the date and time and the location of their interviews. AJKPSC will issue the call letter to the candidates after receipt of their application forms. The public service commissions like Punjab, Sindh, Islamabad, KPK, Baluchistan, AJK and GB conduct the exams of the eligible candidates of their provinces and the students will appear in the exams. When the names of the successful candidates are announced, the list of the selected candidates is announced to appear for the interview. The candidates will ensure receipt of the interview call letter, which is mentioned with the date and time of their papers and they will bring it with them. After the interview, the list of the recommended candidates will be prepared and the finally selected candidates will be appointed against the vacant jobs in the government offices and departments. Download latest AJKPSC Call Letter October 2024 list online.

Download AJKPSC Call Letter 2022

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