JTS Test Result 2022 Job Testing Service
Job Testing Service manages written exams and interviews of the candidates, who apply against any advertised job in the newspapers. JTS carries out the recruitment process of the candidates and they select qualified candidates in the government and private jobs in different offices and companies. JTS starts the process of the recruitment of the staff by accepting application forms from the eligible candidates. JTS issues roll no slips to candidates and written exams is scheduled in the exams centers so that the candidates appear in the exams on the given date and time. The candidates of Islamabad, GB, Sindh, Baluchistan, AJK, KPK and Punjab attend the written exams against jobs and JTS announces the job result online. The candidates are asked to check their test result and they find their names in the final list of the job result. The exams result of the written exams is provided for the candidates and successful candidates will appear for interview. The candidates, who appear in the medical test, they can also find their medical test result. The vacancy result will help JTS to carry out the exams and interview and they recommend the selected candidates depending on the performance of the students in the test and interview. The physical test result will be available online for the convenience of the candidates and candidates, who are physically fit, they are also recommended for appointment against the advertised job. Download latest JTS Test Result November 2024 list online.